Handover Sheet

Guidelines – Form to be completed upon handover for –
Brand New homes – A full Pre delivery inspection has been carried out ready for your arrival, if any minor snags arise in the coming days, please don’t hesitate to report these within 24 hours to your representative. Includes manufacturer warranty. 
Brand New demonstration models – A full Pre delivery inspection has been carried out ready for your arrival, if any minor snags that arise in the coming days, please don’t hesitate to report these within 24 hours to your representative. Includes manufacturer warranty. 
Resale demonstration models – A visual inspection of the home and appliances have been carried out prior to your arrival. The resale demonstration homes are offered on a ‘sold as seen’ basis, including valid safety certificates. 
Resale service homes – A visual inspection of the home and appliances have been carried out prior to your arrival.  The resale service homes are offered on a ‘sold as seen’ basis, including valid safety certificates. 
  • Details

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Handover Checks

    A pre-handover inspection has been carried out ready for your arrival.Please ensure all the following has been checked.
  • Feedback Request

  • To help us to continually improve our service and ensure we have lots of happy clients, we'd like to hear about your overall experience with Caravans in the Sun. Please add your name and email address to the following link, from here you'll receive an email request to send your feedback

  • Marketing

  • Ideal images would include the exterior of the home and plot, a celebratory image of yourselves and a selfie with your representative! These could be, but not limited to use on our website and social media platforms.Please upload marketing images:
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, pdf, mp4, mov, mpg, Max. file size: 256 MB.
    • Caravans in the Sun representative

    • Please confirm the following -

      • Handover has been completed thoroughly, including a welcome pack
      • The park administration has been completed or arrangements made
      • Netreview completed with clients details
      • Marketing images have been uploaded
      • Inspection notes completed thoroughly
      • Keys handed over to the client
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    • Client

    • Please confirm the following -

      • The handover over of the home has been completed thoroughly, the representative has noted any comments where applicable
      • The park administration has been completed or arrangements made
      • A full set of keys have been received
      • We can't wait to enjoy our home in the Sun!!
    • DD slash MM slash YYYY