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Lifestyle Spain

Lifestyle Spain & Caravans in the Sun


Caravans in the sun in collaboration with Lifestyle Spain are pleased to be able to offer expert
assistance for Visa, Residency & Relocation Services for moving to Spain.
Located in Spain as well as the UK, the team at Lifestyle are perfectly placed to assist you in
arranging and providing Spanish visa, residency and relocation advice, support and services.
From giving you initial information and answering all your initial questions, to consultation and
advice on your planned residency, the team at Lifestyle covers whatever your situation requires.
We are confident with their experience, easy to use processes and efficient administration you
can be assured of a first class service.

Simon a Senior Visa consultant from Lifestyle Spain

“Having been through the process myself with my own family of leaving the UK for a new life in
Spain and using the services of Lifestyle to assist with this, I could not be more passionate about
the support that we provide. Helping others achieve their dream of moving to Spain is very
rewarding and this is what we do every day at Lifestyle.
I have the understanding first hand of the pressures that such a big move can bring and also
have the added experience from both my own move and that of helping 100’s of other people
achieve this to know how worthwhile all the efforts that go into making this life changing
experience happen are worth it. As a team at Lifestyle we work together with Caravans in the sun
to provide you with the best support we can to make your dream of living in Spain a reality.”

Lifestyle Spain

2023 requirements for UK Citizens moving to Spain

As UK Citizens are Non EU Citizens, if they wish to live in Spain they will first require a Visa. A
Visa application should be made in the UK at one of the consulates in either London, Manchester
or Edinburgh. Without a Visa a UK Citizen can only visit Spain for 90 in 180 days.
There are various visas available including, Non Lucrative Visa, Remote Workers Visa, Golden
Visa, Student Visa and Working Visa.

The most popular Visa for UK Citizens is the Non Lucrative Visa which is essentially for the non
working or retired person looking to live in Spain. This visa grants a one year residency permit
allowing you to live in Spain full time. After the initial year, it can be renewed for 2 years every 2
years thereafter as long as you continue to meet the qualifying criteria. Subject to further
conditions, long term residency can be applied for after 5 years as a temporary resident.

Main Requirements of the Non Lucrative Visa


  • Applicants should be retired or not working
  • A single applicant must have 28800 euros in passive income and/or savings for each
    year of residency (married or legal partners 36000 euros)
  • Clean criminal record from the last 5 years.
  • Full health cover in Spain & a Medical certificate to confirm no infectious diseases.

As well as help with visas some other things you may need help with are, Financial & amp; Tax
planning, Healthcare & social security registration and EU Residency registration.
If you need help with moving to Spain whether ready now to make that move or are just in the
early stages of planning then get in touch with Simon and the team at Lifestyle who can help you
on your journey to make your dreams a reality.


Spanish Residency Visa Assessment

ES (+34) 711 05 05 49
UK (+44) 345 299 6236
Email – simon@lifestyleservices.es

Caravans In The Sun