5 health reasons to live in a warm climate

Thinking of relocating abroad? Then make sure that you move to a warmer climate. It turns out that those long sunny days don’t just make you feel great, but they have a positive effect on your health as well. Which makes looking for holiday homes in warmer locations just what the doctor ordered.

Let’s get physical

Many of the health benefits of living in a warmer climate are down to the fact that you’ll be spending more time outdoors. After all, who wants to sit on the couch when the sun is shining? You’re more likely to go for a walk or a bike ride and pretty soon it becomes habit-forming and you can’t wait to get outdoors.

Here comes the sun

77% of us are Vitamin D deficient because we don’t get enough sunlight. That’s the vitamin we need for strong and healthy muscles, bones and teeth, to help safeguard against cancer and to improve our mood. Just 15 minutes a day has some great health benefits although don’t forget the sunscreen.

Sunlight is also a great stress buster. As soon as we see the sunshine, our bodies start to produce serotonin which is a proven mood booster. Our cortisol levels also decrease and we have more energy, making us happier and healthier.

Memory booster

If you feel you’re flagging mentally, you may benefit from moving to a warmer climate. Research shows that we’re more alert and our memory performs better in warm weather, so relocating abroad could be just the mental pick me up you need. And that improved memory will help you to appreciate all the cultural delights and new experiences available when you make a move to the sun.

Give your heart and lungs a holiday

Life in a cold climate can have a negative impact on your health. If you suffer with arthritis, the cold can create increased pain and prevent you from following your exercise routines. Your blood pressure may also fluctuate wildly trying to regulate your temperature and keep your body warm which can be negative for your long term health.

Give your body a break from poor air, coughs and colds and look for holiday homes in warmer climates. Your heart, lungs and the rest of your body will thank you for it.

You’ll be safer

If you’re physically vulnerable, cold weather can be a killer. And with energy bills always on the rise, it can be difficult to keep yourself sufficiently warm through the cold winter months. You’ll also avoid falling on ice and snow and barely being able to lift your feet in those heavy winter boots.

Why not say goodbye to digging snow and cleaning muddy footprints off your floors and say hello to a relaxed and healthy warm-weather lifestyle!

Moving to a warmer climate doesn’t just have health benefits. Research shows that people from warm countries are friendlier and more extrovert, making them happy to socialise and enjoy life so you’ll soon fit in and make new friends. There are economic benefits too – it’s easy to pick up seasonal work and your home will generally require less maintenance. And when you wake up each day surrounded by natural beauty you’ll enjoy better mental health just being in the moment.

So what are you waiting for!