Complaints Procedure

At Mobile Homes Abroad Limited we have policies and procedures in place to ensure that we offer a faultless service to our customers. On the few occasions where a customer may feel dissatisfied, we will do everything in our power to resolve the matter by following the above rules. We encourage our customers to provide us with feedback, whether positive or negative to help with our ongoing customer service, making any improvements where required.Customers can make a complaint in one or more of the following ways:
  • By telephone
  • By email
  • By letter
  • We will treat all complaints seriously and impartially.
  • We will investigate all complaints promptly, consistently, diligently, and fully.
  • We will aim to conclude all matters to the mutual satisfaction of the concerned parties as quickly as possible.
  • All complaints will be recorded on our complaints log which will be updated at each stage of the complaint.
  • We will acknowledge receipt of all complaints within 5 business days of receiving the complaint by way of a written acknowledgement confirming that we are reviewing the details of the complaint.
  • We will aim to resolve all complaints received within 5 business days from receipt.
  • We may issue a response to the customer within 5 business days which may or may not be in writing.
  • Where the customer has accepted a response to the complaint within 5 business days, we will issue a summary resolution communication to the customer in writing. This will confirm that:
    • We acknowledge receipt of the complaint
    • Confirm the date the complaint is received
    • Confirm that we consider the complaint to have been resolved
    • Advise the customer that if they are dissatisfied with the resolution they may refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)
    • Advise the customer that they can obtain further information on the website for the Financial Ombudsman Service and provide their website address:
    • Advise the customer that if they do not contact FOS within six months, we will not enable them to consider the complaint, except in very limited circumstances such as FOS considers the delay to be as a result of exceptional circumstances
  • If we are unable to resolve the complaint within 5 working days, we will aim to resolve it within 8 weeks and will confirm this in writing to the customer.
  • If the complaint requires further investigation and we are unable to resolve the complaint within 8 weeks, we will provide the customer with a further written update which:
    • Explains the reasons why we are unable to make a final response
    • Indicates when we expect to be in a position to make a final response
    • Advise the customer that they may refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)
    • Provides the customer with the attached link to the Financial Ombudsman Service’s standard explanatory leaflet which provides full details about FOS:
      • Our consumer leaflet: ‘Want to take your complaint further?’ (
    • Advise the customer that they can obtain further information on the website for the Financial Ombudsman Service and provide their website address:
    • Advise the customer that if they do not contact FOS within six months, we will not enable them to consider the complaint, except in very limited circumstances such as FOS considers the delay to be as a result of exceptional circumstances
  • Once the complaint has been investigated fully, we will confirm our findings to the customer, by letter which will include any offer of redress that we have agreed to make.
  • Unless the customer is unhappy with our response, we will follow up with a Final Response Letter confirming that the complaint has been resolved and closed. The Final Response Letter will include:
    • Confirmation whether the complaint has been upheld or not
    • Confirmation of what remedial action we will carry out
    • Confirmation of the details of any offer of redress
    • Or, confirmation that we reject the complaint along with our reasons for doing so
    • Confirmation that the complainant has the right to refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) if they are dissatisfied with the Final Response
    • Address and website details for FOS
    • Confirmation that further information is available on the FOS website
    • Confirmation that the complainant has up to 6 months after the date of the Final Response Letter to refer the complaint to FOS
  • We will ensure that any redress agreed is dealt with straight away, whether this is by way of action required or a monetary payment to the customer.
  • We will only close a complaint when we have received confirmation from the customer that they are happy that their claim has been resolved, or if no such confirmation is received, 8 weeks after our Final Response Letter has been issued (either in writing or verbally).
  • Where a complaint is referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service, we will cooperate fully with them and comply promptly with any settlements or awards made by them.
  • Where we receive a complaint from our customer relating to a product or service provided by another company (e.g., a lender or insurer) and we believe them to be solely or jointly responsible, we will:
    • Forward the customer complaint to the company within 48 hours
    • Forward a Final Response Letter to the customer advising them:
      • That the complaint has been forwarded to the company
      • Why the complaint has been forwarded
      • The contact details of the company
    • Engage with the provider company to try to resolve the complaint
    • Any part of the complaint which we are jointly responsible for will be processed as per our complaint procedure
  • All customer complaints forwarded to us by another company (e.g., a lender) will be processed as per our complaint procedure, which will commence on the date we receive the forwarded complaint.
  • We will keep complaint records on file for a period of 6 years from the date of resolution.
  • A copy of our complaint’s procedure and complaint contact details, including contact details for FOS, are displayed at our premises and on our website.