The idea of retiring abroad can be an exciting one. If you are looking forward to many active and rewarding years after concluding your working life, then you may also be eagerly anticipating spending a certain amount of time in foreign countries. Or you may be dreaming about relocating to just one foreign country and a mobile home or caravan can help you achieve that dream at a realistic cost.
You may already have a home ready and waiting for you as part of your plan for living in a different country. Whatever stage you are at in retiring in a foreign country, from an appealing idea to have your mobile home or caravan already purchased and fitted out, there are a few things to consider before you can make the most of this special time.
It’s best to start thinking ahead if you are considering retiring abroad, as there are essential matters to consider and a certain amount of bureaucracy to deal with before you can relax in your mobile home or caravan in the sun.
If you receive benefits, then you will need to alert the relevant authorities to the fact that you are moving abroad. This move may affect your pension and you may need to contact the International Pension Centre to clarify these and how they may affect you. A stable income when living abroad will be important, and you will need to make sure you have adequate funds to pay for your new life abroad. The country you are living in may also require proof of this.
If you are moving abroad at the end of your working life, you probably don’t have to consider student loans, but you may well have tax issues to think about and you will probably need to tell HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) about your move.
Even if you retire abroad, you may still maintain a keen interest in what happens in the UK. You still have voting rights if you are living in retirement abroad, and retiring abroad will not affect your citizenship in the UK. If you were living abroad legally in part of the EU before January 2021, then you should have certain rights which will continue as long as you remain there.
If you have new plans to retire abroad, you may need to check the visa requirements for that particular country, as agreements and regulations have changed since Brexit. Making sure your passport is in order and is not about to expire is probably a good starting point.
With Brexit and Covid-19, there may be a significant backlog when it comes to getting passports renewed, so if you are planning on retiring abroad, it may be a good idea to think ahead and start getting your paperwork in order.
If you want to spend your retirement in a mobile home or caravan and you don’t already have one, then this will require some thought too. You will need to think about what type of accommodation will suit your needs, what sort of budget you have to work with and what special features you may wish to add to your new home so that it has all the comforts you require. The good news is that customisation can be easily arranged so you have just the kind of welcoming and comfortable home you have dreamed of.
We are experts when it comes to sourcing or organising caravans and mobile homes for retirement abroad. Why not speak to us about your plans for retiring abroad and see how our friendly experts can help you choose a caravan or mobile home and then locate it in the perfect spot for your dream retirement?
We also have extensive knowledge of the vast network of appealing parks and sites where you might want to locate your retirement lodging and we can assist you with any practical details that need to be sorted out.
Don’t waste time – if retiring abroad is your dream and you are not sure how to make it happen, then talk to us. We can help with you with every aspect of this exciting stage of your life.